A new Kylie Minogue album is always an event. A new Kylie Minogue album in the middle of a deadly global pandemic is even more than that...


In a career now spanning over 30 years, Kylie has rarely, if ever, disappointed us. Releasing a steady stream of albums, many of which were great, none of which were bad, she has proven to be one of the most talented and lasting pop performers of her generation — and more. Introducing her latest work, Disco, in the middle of the current pandemic, proves both salutary and timely…

Salutary, because it is always a good thing to listen to new Kylie Minogue music. Even though it’s only been 2 years since her last album, this one is particularly important because it comes on the heels of the infamous Coronavirus, which has most of the planet stuck at home — if they’re not out voting. And its hyper smooth, eminently upbeat tracks are a great sweetener for the end of this arguably dreadful year. Consisting of 12 super solid tracks — 16 if you get your hands on the Deluxe version (available on Spotify) — Disco is proof that it is still possible to produce a fresh pop album in this day and age. After fellow popstar Taylor Swift turned folk, and while Katy Perry’s latest effort somewhat disappointed, this release is as well produced an LP as they come.

Timely, because Disco is not only a strong piece of contemporary music, it is also quite directly reminiscent of the… well… disco era, with its Studio 54’s, its Grace Jones, its Giorgios [Moroders, for those who weren’t following]… the illustrious list goes on. In a way that is actually akin to Madonna’s 2005 brilliant mash-up “Hung up”, the pieces on this album, like latest single “Magic”, “Real groove” or “Where does the DJ go?”, are filled with disco-infused, electro-heightened beats which feel almost equally dated and fresh, kind of like hipster clothing — or the very appeal of a veteran artist like Kylie. Added to that the fact that the singer’s voice hasn’t aged a bit, if it hasn’t actually gotten better with age (the same couldn’t necessarily be said of Madonna), as evidenced on tracks like “Say something” or “Celebrate you”…

All in all, Disco is required listening for this bittersweet November 2020 of ours. Bitter like the last couple of years, sweet like Biden’s historic victory. Here’s to hoping the latter prevails, with Kylie in our headsets…