Know your music
4 biopics for the price of 1
In the past few years, music lovers in general and Beatles lovers in particular have been rejoicing over a series of landmark releases. But it’s not over…
25 February 2024
Going country
Something interesting is happening in music right now: while Taylor Swift started her career in country before crossing over to pop, another superstar is doing the exact opposite — Beyoncé.
21 February 2024

News in the music world come and go very fast, but some are more relevant than others. Here is an overview of the latest and/or most interesting bits of information coming in, whether on the artistic, business or societal side.
Analysing new music releases is always a tricky business. Here, we try and give as honest a point of view as we can on a wide variety of new songs, albums or projects as they come out - and after they come out.
The history of music is paved with incredible stories. We selected a few particularly telling tales of musicians on the road, the making of of classic albums and/or things you didn't know about artists were dying to...
We are always interested in getting people's feedback, opinion and thoughts about the music they like and listen, about their feelings on things we may have posted here, about anything that has to do with music really. Give us a shout, don't hesitate!